( Reviewed )
Masato Uchimura, Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Analysis of Care Records for Predicting Urination Times",
Human Activity and Behavior Analysis,
( Reviewed )
Defry Hamdhana, Haru Kaneko, John Noel Victorino, Sozo Inoue :"Improved Evaluation Metrics for Sentence Suggestions in Nursing and Elderly Care Record Applications",
Vol. 12,
( Reviewed )
Chrisitina A Garcia, Quynh N Phuong Vu, Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"A Relabeling Approach to Signal Patterns for Beacon-based Indoor Localization in Nursing Care Facility",
International Journal of Activity and Behavior Computing,
Vol. 2024,
No. 1,
pp 1-19,
( Reviewed )
Defry Hamdhana, Chrisitina A Garcia, Nazmun Nahid, Haru Kaneko, Sayeda Shamma, Tahera Hossain, Sozo Inoue :"Summary of the Fourth Nurse Care Activity Recognition Challenge - Predicting Future Activities Reviewed International journal",
Human Activity and Behavior Analysis,
Min Xinyi, Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Analysis and Prediction of Mood Changes in the Elderly in Long-Term Care Facilities (In Japanese)",
Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile Symposium (DICOMO2023),
( Reviewed )
Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Toward Pioneering Sensors and Features Using Large Language Models in Human Activity Recognition",
UbiComp '23: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (HASCA),
( Reviewed )
Min Xinyi, Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Predicting and Analyzing Emotions of Elderly People in Care Facilities",
UbiComp '23: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (HASCA),
Haru Kaneko :"Automatic Generation of Care Record Contents Using Machine Learning (In Japanese)",
Master Thesis,
pp 1-55,
Haru Kaneko, Masatoshi Uchimura, Koki Miyake, Sozo Inoue :"Toward Use and Analysis of Scientific Care Information System LIFE data (In Japanese)",
IPSJ SIG UBI Technical Reports,
Vol. 2022,
No. 12,
pp pp 1-7,
Haru Kaneko, and Sozo Inoue :"Analysis of Individual Differences Among Elderlies for Automatic Generation of Care Records (In Japanese)",
Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile Symposium 2022 (DICOMO2022),
pp 1-5,
Min Xinyi, Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Data Collection and Analysis of Mood of Elderly and Staff in Long-Term Care Facilities (In Japanese)",
Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile Symposium 2022 (DICOMO2022),
Haru Kaneko, Muhammad Fikry, Sozo Inoue :"Development of Care Forecasting and Tracing Systems in Nursing and Medical Care (In Japanese)",
IPSJ SIG UBI Technical Reports,
pp 1-7,
Xinyi Min, Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Analyzing and Predicting Emotions of Elderly People in Care Facilities",
International Symposium on Applied Engineering and Sciences (SAES2022),
Defry Hamdhana, Haru Kaneko, John Noel Victorino, Sozo Inoue :"Toward Automatic Sentence Suggestion in Care Record Mobile Applications",
International Symposium on Applied Engineering and Sciences (SAES2022),
Defry Hamdhana, Haru Kaneko, Christina Garcia, Nazmun Nahid, Sayeda Shamma Alia, Tahera Hossain, Sozo Inoue :"Brief Summary of The 4th Nurse Care Activity Recognition Challenge",
IPSJ SIG ASD Technical Reports,
( Reviewed )
Haru Kaneko, Tahera Hossain, Sozo Inoue :"Estimation of Record Contents for Automatic Generation of Care Records",
Human Activity Recognition Challenge, Springer Nature,
Vol. 204,
pp 289-306,
Kitakyushu Japan,
Haru Kaneko, Tahera Hossain, Sozo Inoue :"Trend Analysis by Record Item for Automatic Generation of Care Records",
Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile Symposium (DICOMO2021),
pp 1-9,
( Reviewed )
Haru Kaneko, Tahera Hossain, Sozo Inoue :"Analysis of Feature Importances for Automatic Generation of Care Records",
UbiComp '21: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (HASCA),
No. 5,
pp 316–321,
Virtual, USA Online,
( Reviewed )
Kohei Adachi, Sayeda Shamma Alia, Nazmun Nahid, Haru Kaneko, Paula Lago, Sozo Inoue :"Summary of the Bento Packaging Activity Recognition Challenge",
Sensor- and Video-Based Activity and Behavior Computing,
pp 249–261,
Haru Kaneko :"Estimate the Recorded Detail of Care Records by Machine Learning",
Bachelor Thesis,
pp 1-31,
Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Toward Estimate Record Contents for Automatic Generation of Care Records (In Japanese)",
IPSJ SIG UBI Technical Reports,
Vol. 2020,
No. 41,
pp 1-6,
Nagoya,Japan Online,
Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Analysis of Individual Differences Among Elderlies for Automatic Generation of Care Records (In Japanese)",
Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile Symposium (DICOMO2022),
pp 1-7,
( Reviewed )
Haru Kaneko, Tahera Hossain, Sozo Inoue :"Implementation of Care Records Automatic Generation Function in a Care Record Application",
The 40th Joint Conference on Asia-Pacific Association of Medical Informatics (APAMI),
pp 1-6,
Haru Kaneko, Sozo Inoue :"Toward Automatically Generate of Care Records in Care Facilities (In Japanese)",
Proceedings of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics,
pp 2-5,